Пруф S/1612/2018 найти можно здесь: https://www.opcw.org/?id=2724
ОЗХО подтвердила, что Скрипали были отравлены нервно-паралитическим веществом, то есть химическим оружием.
OPCW Technical Secretariat SW20I» 12 April 201» OrigVMl ENGLISH MOTE BY THE TECHNICAL SECRETARIAT SUMMARY Of THE REPORT ON ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT IN SUPPORT OF A REQUEST FOR TECHPRCAL ASSISTANCE BY THE UNITED KINO DOM Of GREAT BRITAIN ANO NORTHERN IRELAND (TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE VISIT TAVJ02HS) I. TV United Kingdom of Grear Bnu* and Northern Ireland reque*ted teche.cal au.iuncc from the OPCW Tedncal Secretariat (hereinafter the Secretarial-) vjbrvn*rwph 3*e) of Article VIII of the CVruxal Wcapona Convent*» in felatooo to u incident in Sohtbiwy oo 4 M 2011 invoNing • chcmkal-allegedly a nerve ««cm-end the pouornn* and borprtalnatioa of »*« individuals. TV Director-General decided to dnpaach « team to tV United Kingdom for « technical MriMwvUKTAV). 2. TV TAV teem deployed to the l «ted Kingdom oo 19 March for a pfr-dcptoytacni and foam 21 March to 23 March for a foil deployment 3. TV team received »formation on the medical cooditioaa of the affected individuals. Mr Sergej Sknpal. Ms Yulia Sknpal. and Mr Nicholas Bailey TVs »eluded information on their acetykbolinesMraa» status since bcupitalisMion. as well as information on the treatment regime 4. The team was able to collect Mood samples from the three affected individuals under full cham of custody for delivery to the OPCW laboratory and subsequent analysts by OPCW designated laboratories, and conducted ideatificanor. of the three individual» against official photo-ID documents 5. TV was able to conduct or-site sampling of environmental samples under foil chain of custody at sites identified as possible hot-spots of residual contamination Samples were returned to the OPCW Labomoey for subsequent nalysts by OPCW designated laboratories. biomedical ample« oolleced by the Britùh auihoritic» 6wn the Reeled as well as from environmental «amples collected on she. The results of analysis of biomedical samples conducted by OPCW desigiuad laboratories demonstrate the exposure of the three botprtaliscd axhvsdnals to this toxic chemical. The results of analyiw of the environmental samples conducted by OPCW designated labomories demonstrate the presence of this toxic chemical in the samples. The results of analyns by the OPCW designated laboratories of environmental and biomedical samples collected by the OPCW team confirm the findings of the United Kingdom relating to the identity of the toxic chemical that was used in Salisbury and severely injured three people. The TAV team notes that the toxic chemical was of high punty. The latter is concluded from the almost complete absence of impurities The name and structure of the identified toxic chemical are contained in the Ml classified report of the Secretariat, available to Slates Parties.
всё плохо,все плохо (и саловатно),разное,Скрипаль,химическое оружие,разная политота
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