mirror.co.uk 10 things every man should know about prostate cancer PACE 8 RUSSIAN SPY OUTRAGE BYTOM PETTIFOR Chief Crime Correspondent A POLICE officer who went to the aid of poisoned former spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter is fighting for lie. _ All three were in a coma last ' t night after the attack with a /1 u . nerve agent in Salisbury. | v. Met chief Mark Rowley fig) said "This is being treated \ * as attempted murder.' ViP FULL STORY: PAGES 4,5,6 &7 Officerfirst on scene fights for life Victims in coma as UK fury grows
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По странному совпадению внезапно умершие все были связаны с Березовским либо Литвиненко. Такшто запасаемся попкорном